Saturday 23 April 2011

A Poem and a Plan

So I wrote a poem today. I'm not sure what I think about this. I never considered myself much of a poet but I actually don't think it's half bad (for a first timer!). All I know is that I had a heap of stuff in my head that simply had to come out and 20 minutes later I had some words resembling poetry on a page in front of me. There's a lot to be said for waxing poetical, brevity for one. I could write and write in this blog for hours on end and still probably not quite hit the right note, but in a few lines this avo, I had pretty much splurged my soul onto a bit of paper. Pretty cool me thinks. Unfortunately, said poem will not be seeing the light of day anytime soon, the light of this blog in any case. It's just a little too personal and raw, and lets face it, even though I seem to think I'm the next Seamus Heaney, it's probably crap.

Speaking of splurging one's thoughts on paper, I finally made use of that diary I bought back in January and have actually made a plan for the next few days. Go me!  I've a few bits to do that can be long-fingered no more. There's also the matter of some PhD work that I simply have to get finished, primarily because I'm sick to death looking at it and also because my supervisor is about to disown me. Materialism, a topic which I had once found interesting, now just gives me headaches and fills me with urges to hide under the duvet for a very very long time. These urges must be circumvented at all costs and pretty quickly too. If I succumb, I may not emerge for an age, except to eat the contents of the fridge and that's just bad to the very core of all that is bad.

So there are lists. Things I could potentially tick off. Did I mention I'm very bad at list-ticking? I'm just not one of those people who goes to sleep at night content in the knowledge that they did all their little jobs earmarked for that day. I tend to veer more towards the "nothing on list accomplished" gang. Which ultimately drove me to dispense with lists altogether. Yet here I am again, rearmed and ready to tick. Lets see how I do over the next few days. I'm here to sort out my life after all, perhaps list-making and list-ticking are the first few simple steps I need to take on my quest to journey out of the rut.

And sleeping. Shut-eye is also of vital importance. This is me after all.
Oíche mhaith ether.

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