Tuesday 7 June 2011

Bewildered, Confused and Unislimmed

So the Unislim Food Maximising diet may be one of the most complicated I have ever come across in my whole entire life. Don't get me wrong. I can certainly understand the practicalities of it and see how, in theory, it could work and will report back any successes and failures, but so far I am kinda baffled. I suspect I'll be spending the first week or so of this in a permanent state of confusion and hunger for fear of eating something I'm not supposed to. Or else there will be many moments of throwing the hands up in the air and just eating something that's handy. But I shall do my best to avoid such indiscretions. 

Then again, at least there's exercise. The only thing that will ever keep me from turning into a full blown fattie again. Marathon training has (sort of) started. 3 miles tonight along with my long overdue return to boxing. Although the running has yet to fill me with enthusiasm, I'm quite looking forward to some punch-bag time. There are one or two faces I could easily picture while throwing some sissy punches. Fingers crossed, both Unislim and exercise will get me back on some sort of a path to svelteness. Final straw came on Saturday when I ripped my jeans trying to yank them up over a roll of fat. How depressing. Especially considering they are relatively new and how much I love them.

I wonder are my sewing skills on a par with my weight gaining abilities?

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