"Are any of you currently single & holding off on dating until you lose more weight? I am. Some of my friends & family keep encouraging me to go out on dates & I've had some offers from guys on online dating sites. But...I just haven't "dared" to yet because I'm just not feeling very attractive right now. I think I might continue holding off on dating until I lose at least a little more weight first. Anyone else in the same boat?"
I have to say, that question made me a little sad. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to argue that in my more porky days I had much more confidence than the elephant man, I most certainly didn't. More often than not my confidence levels still verge on the shitty, but I can't imagine that I'd postpone dating because I wasn't yet thin enough. After all, the likelihood is that I may never be.
It's like this, life is really bloody short. And the more I aimlessly wander through it with no sense of the future, the more I realise it. So why on earth would we want to be putting such a short life on hold just because we still have a few lbs to lose?
All I know is that if guys were going around asking me out I certainly wouldn't let a my wobbly bits put me off. It's hard enough to find someone without taking a little break from it all because we're feeling like a bit of a chubster. Besides, if I waited till I was 100% happy with "project Cathy" before going out and living my life, I'd find myself in a big box, being lowered into the ground wondering where it had all gone and what I missed out on.
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